
Friday 12 October 2018

Inktober/Blogtober: Day 12

How, I asked myself, upon seeing the word "whale" as today's Inktober prompt word, am I supposed to write a blog on this subject?!

And I won't lie, a part of me is still thinking that very same thing.  I don't want to write a piece about how much of a massive whale I feel at the moment, because a) I don't think the world needs to know that I feel chubby and b) I'm having takeaway pizza for dinner tonight, so...  Maaaaybe not.

I can't write you an article about whales themselves, because that would involve a heap of research I don't have time to do, however much I might like to.

I'm not going to do a play on "Wales" and write about the place, either.

What I am going to do - and brace yourselves, because there is a dreadful pun coming up, as well as one heck of a casual swerve of the topic - is say I'm having a whale of a time, completing this Inktober/Blogtober crossover challenge.

For a long time, I've neglected my blog, somewhat.  Whilst I've kept up to date with my weekly bedtime story feature (something I'm thinking about ending as 2018 draws to a close), my free time has been used largely to script, film and edit YouTube videos, rather than write blog entries.

I adore making YouTube videos.  It's not something I have any intention of stopping and I am passionate about making my videos as good as they can possibly be.  But writing was my first love and I feel like having a project that's almost forcing me to create something to be released each day, has reignited the fire in my belly.

There is something magical about untangling your thoughts, using the written word.  Often, the prompt words I've had over the last week and a half have been triggers for all kinds of memories, as well as inspiration for articles I've really enjoyed writing and sharing.  Today has been one of the first times that I've really struggled to come up with anything and yet...  My enjoyment hasn't dimmed in the slightest.

We're not quite halfway through this challenge and yet I've already realised writing more often and on a broader range of subjects is something I want to do, long after October is over.  

So, no.  This isn't a blog about whales.  

But it is an update, to let you all know that this challenge is having a whale-y big effect on me...

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