
Monday 29 October 2018

Inktober/Blogtober Crossover: Day 29

I always wanted a twin.  In fact, for a worrying amount of my early childhood, I imagined I did have a twin, they were just... invisible.  It's fine, I've had therapy.

Today's Inktober prompt word is "double" and at first, I thought about writing an entire post about my long-held yearning for a twin.  The trouble is, it wouldn't be that interesting.  "I always wanted a twin" just about sums the whole thing up, after all.

What I find much more fascinating, however, is the concept of finding your twin.  

Not literally.  I'm not about to go off on some kind of Blood Brothers style tale about discovering a sibling you were separated from at birth.  Partly because I'm fairly sure that doesn't happen all that often (if ever) and partly because the end of Blood Brothers makes me cry and I don't fancy writing this whilst softly weeping and attempting to sing Tell Me It's Not True in a bad Scouse accent.

When I talk about finding your "twin," I suppose I mean what some people refer to as your "soulmate."  

For me, a soulmate can be someone you have a romantic or a platonic connection with.  It could even be someone who goes from one to the other.  But the most important thing about it, is that the person you consider your "soulmate," your "twin" or your "double" (however you want to say it), is someone you click with in a way that feels special.  It's as though you met them and instantly knew they were going to be an enormously important part of your life.  And the love you have for them, be it platonic, romantic or any other kind, becomes such a deep part of who you are that you wonder how you ever went about your life without them in it.  Where did all that love come from?  How did you suddenly just know that you'd found the right person to give it to?

It's someone who gets you.  Someone who understands your quirks and maybe even shares some of them.  It's someone who's looking outwards in the same direction as you are.  Someone you can communicate an entire sentence with, using only a look.

It's someone who's quite probably into a lot of the same stuff as you are, but who has equal interest in the things you don't have in common and who wants to listen to you talk about the things you love, regardless of whether they share a love for them, too.  Those things are important to you and therefore, they've become important to them as well.

It's someone you feel you can be yourself with, warts and all.  Someone you can tell things to without fear of judgement.  Someone you feel safe with, because you know they understand you.  It's that person you want to share your good news with.  The person you know you can turn to when things go wrong.

It's someone who laughs with you, before you've even told the joke, or explained what's making you giggle.  It's someone who laughs at you when you're being an idiot, and you don't care, because you know they're right.

It's someone who knows all your faults as well as your strengths and who loves you anyway.  Perhaps they even love you more.  And you feel exactly the same about them.

The best way to sum up a soulmate, twin, or double, for me, is with my favourite Dr Seuss quote:

"We're all a little weird
And life's a little weird.
And when we find someone whose weirdness 
Is compatible with our own,
We join up with them
And fall in mutual weirdness
And call it love."

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